Home Page

Small Friends

Small Friends 2

Zippee Cartoons

Zippee Cartoons 2

Where do babies come from

Favourite Adverts

Favourite Adverts 2

VW Custom Art

VW Custom Art 2

Zippee Lives Here

Sporty Zippee

Photo Page

Ode to DEZ - how do you do it ??

These cartoons were all drawn by Dez, a local cartoonist who helped me bring some life into Zippee. These cartoons have been used in various promotional projects, letterheads, adverts etc.

Zippee loves Mobil

This is our main logo and is used on letterheads, businesscards, adverts etc

Zippee News
Dez - I'm putting together a customer newsletter. How about incorporating Zippee in the logo ...

Dez - we fix punctures in tyres how about a picture showing ...